Digital Representations of the Real World: How to Capture,
Model, and Render Visual Reality (2015)
A very general textbook giving an overview of a large number of
fields relating to 3D capture (mostly from imagery) and modeling
(largely of humans). Given the broad title, I would have liked
to have seen more emphasis on terrain.
3D Engine Design for Virtual Globes (2011)
A book by two senior developers from Analytical Graphics, Inc. on how
to build a "very nice, modern, usable OpenGL rendering engine" that
deals with the issues, like coordinate systems and precision, involved
in rendering the whole earth. |
Digital Earth – Virtual Nations – Data Cities (e-book, 2012)
From Australian think-tank D_City,
a glossy, colorful overview of a few 'digital earth' efforts worldwide.
It's heavy on abstract theory and buzzwords, and full of spotty history,
fuzzy thinking, impractical concepts, greenwashing and inaccuracies,
but nonetheless covers a lot of interesting ground in 180 pages. |
Visualization in Landscape and Environmental
Planning, Ian D. Bishop and Eckart Lange eds., 2005 |
in Real-Time Landscape Visualization and Participation, Proceedings
at Anhalt University of Applied Sciences 2005 |
Real-Time Rendering, by
Tomas Akenine-Möller,
Eric Haines, and
Naty Hoffman
3rd edition, 2008, 1045 pages!
Much of the book is relevant to terrain rendering, especially chapter
12, 'Polygonal Techniques'
See also the book's website,
Real-Time Rendering Resources |
Science and Digital Earth (地球信息科学与数字地球), Chen Shupeng, 2004
Reportedly, the book contains "an almost complete history and overview
of developments in earth observation and geo-information science in
China. However, this book on digital earth is much more global in its
perspective and not limited to Chinese applications." |
Real-Time 3D Terrain Engines Using C++ and DirectX 9 (2003)
Mixed reviews, and by now potentially quite dated, but it reportedly
does "discuss texturing, quadtrees, a few CLOD algorithms, sky and water
rendering, Perlin noise, and a few other things as they relate to terrain". |
Focus on 3D Terrain Programming, Trent Polack, 2003 |
Landscape Modeling:
Digital Techniques for Landscape Visualization, Stephen Ervin and
Hope Hasbrouck, 2001 |
Constructing the Future: nD Modelling, Edited by: Ghassan Aouad,
Angela Lee and Song Wu, 2006
Although it focuses only on the 'built environment' and only
partly about visualization, chapter 22. 'Modelling Cities' has
a good history of that subject, esp. for European cities. |
Level of Detail for 3D Graphics,
D. Luebke, M. Reddy, J. Cohen, A. Varshney, B. Watson, and R. Huebner,
2002. Although it's a general book on LOD, chapter 7 is about
terrain. The site includes
course material with excellent
presentations. |