Coordinate problem
Summary: there is disagreement between the actual Palo Alto data (using
California State Plane Zone 3 feet) and the EPSG tables (used by PROJ.4, and
hence the VTP software). The disagreement is over the definition of the
eastings and northings, feet vs. meters.
- problem: if the data is indeed in California State Plane Zone 3:
- the coordinates should be in the range of (x=1,860,000 y=600,000)
- instead they are in the range of (x=6,080,000 y=200,000)
- coordinate problem: if the data is indeed in California State Plane Zone
- according to PROJ.4, the coordinates should be in the range of
(x=1,860,000 y=600,000)
- instead they are in the range of (x=6,080,000 y=200,000)
- they say that the former values are for CSP zone 3 NAD27, whereas the
latter are NAD83
- PROJ.4 says that the parameters for CSP zone3 NAD83 are:
- standard parallel 1 38.4333333333
- standard parallel 2 37.0666666666
- center latitude 36.5
- center longitude -120.5
- false easting 2000000
- false northing 500000
- if that's so, then Palo Alto at longitude -122.14 should be roughly
1,600,000... which PA says is NAD27
- could the PROJ.4 parameters be wrong?
- PCSCode = 26943 = "NAD83 / California zone 3"
- EPSGGetProjTRFInfo
- TRFCode = 10433 "California CS83 zone 3"
- Datum: NAD 83
- another reference says that the actual values are:
- Projection: California State Plane, Zone III
- Units: US Foot
- 1st Std. Parallel: 37.0666
- 2nd Std. Parallel: 38.4333
- Longitude of Origin: -120.5
- Latitude of Origin: 36.5
- False Easting: 6561666.6666
- False Northing: 1640416.6666
- ...which would explain the PA data!!