General Unix Build Instructions for the VTP Software

  1. Dependencies.  There are several libraries that the VTP uses, but fortunately many of them are already included in most flavors of Unix/Linux, and several of them are optional.   It's recommended to use the libraries that are already available in a repository for your operating system, for example, with the Package Manger on Ubuntu.
    Otherwise, if you prefer, you can download and build them yourself.

    Library Version Typical Repository Name Library Website
    GDAL 2.0 or later libgdal2-dev?
    PROJ.4 4.4.9 or later (installed by GDAL)
    OSG 3.0 or later libopenscenegraph-dev
    wxWidgets 3.0 or later libwxgtk3.0-dev
    libMini 8.9.2 or later (none)
    optional libraries:
    Libcurl (any) libcurl3
    Bzip2 (any) libbz2-dev  
    Squish (any) (none)  
    QuikGrid (any) (none)  

  2. For each dependent library you build yourself, see in the build instructions included with each, but first read this advice:
  3. To build VTP with CMake
    1. Run CMake (if you don't have it installed, it should be available from your package manager.)
    2. Tell if your source location (e.g. /home/me/vtp) and a place to build (e.g. /home/me/vtp/build)
    3. Fill in the location of all the dependencies.  It's OK to omit the optional libraries (netcdf, curl, bzip2, squish, quikgrid).
    4. Press "configure" and "generate"
    5. If you told CMake to generate IDE files, then use your IDE, otherwise go to your build folder and make.

If you encounter build problems, the vtp-unix mailing list exists to answer any questions.